Wholehearted Magick

Liberating Our Fierce Hearts (co-held online w/ Irisanya)

In the time of the tower, we find ourselves in rubble. The remnants of stories, of promises, of safety, and of sureness. What happens when everything falls away? What happens when we find ourselves in unrecognizable places with hearts that are breaking, again and again?

“If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” ― Shane Koyczan

Yet, our hearts beat, sending the blood of potential and possibility from chamber to chamber, when we’re awake and asleep. There is magic in our hearts. We are the keepers of stories who long to travel the length of veins, who long to be witnessed and heard and seen. We are the visionaries, re-remembering and re-learning how to make something beautiful from the rubble. 

In this magical working, we seek to enter sacred and scared space. To arrive where we are, when we are, as we are. We are unapologetically enough. 

We will learn together: How to hold all parts of ourselves, even the unsure ones, especially the unsure ones. How to meet ourselves in breakdowns and mirrors without needing to change. How to ask for what we need in our grief and in our anger. How to hold well the larger questions of personal and community needs. How to conjure and liberate our power for our present, past, and future selves.

This is for you if you’ve been wondering how to live in wholehearted wonder (again). This is for you if you’ve been aching to expand your resilience and capacity for all that arrives. This is for you if you seek joy and pleasure and deep connection to that rhythm in your chest. This work of the heart is the work of dismantling and returning to our fierce selves. 

For if the body holds the echo of our trauma, it also holds the story of our liberation. May we emerge embodied, alive, and inspired — again and again.  

Irisanya Moon (she/her) is a priestess, teacher, ritualist, author, and initiate in the Reclaiming tradition. She is inspired by story, the words and the spaces between, and how we can cultivate resilience and wonder while balancing the presence of grief. As a devotee of Aphrodite, Hecate, the Norns, and Iris, Irisanya seeks to offer love and to inspire love through reminders that we are not alone.

horizon (she/her) is a queer fat femme who practices at the intersection of oppression and trauma. A social worker, somatic therapist and activist healer, horizon is a lifetime student of how healing happens. Dedicated to the spellwork of pleasure, liberation and justice, her magic awakens us to a rememebering that we are the ones we have been waiting for.